ID Badge Holders
Badge Holder Soft 9x6 With Clip
Soft plastic badge holders with clip at excellent prices! Their dimensions are those of a standard business card....In stockBadge Holder Soft 9x6
Soft plastic badge holders at excellent prices! Their dimensions are those of a standard business card....In stockBadge Holder Soft 6x9
Soft plastic badge holders at excellent prices! Their dimensions are those of a standard business ca...In stock
Badge Holder Hard 6x9
Hard plastic badge holders at excellent prices! Their dimensions are those of a standard business card....In stockBadge Holder Hard 9x6
Hard plastic badge holders at excellent prices! Their dimensions are those of a standard business card....In stockBadge Holder Open White 9x6
Hard plastic open badge holders at excellent prices! Their dimensions are those of a standard business card....In stock
Soft A7 standing cardholder
Affordable Soft A7 standing cardholders! Standard sized and fits perfectly with any lanyard. Made of soft transparent vinyl material....In stockBadge Holder, Soft 11 cm X 16 cm
Soft plastic badge holders at excellent prices! Ideal for larger badges....Out of stockSoft A7 reclining cardholder
Affordable Soft A7 reclining cardholders! Standard sized and fits perfectly with any lanyard. Made of soft transparent vinyl material....Out of stock
Festivals, congress events and different types of balls can be organised in many ways but the promotional items might not be forgotten. Have you already ordered personalized lanyards? EUROKO offers you wide range of ID badge holders.
The quality is the most important thing that's why we guarantee our customers' satisfaction. Our ID badge holders are produced from different materials. We have plastic and transparent card-holders (the material can be 'hard' and 'soft'), the size can vary according to your needs.